it's me :)

it's me :)
always say "HELLO" when you greet your day :)

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

i love you so much darling :*

so bad for today and i;m so sad. yeaaaaaahh because my girlfriend will not want to support me in my activities as a sexy dance. I think there is a point with his decision. he wanted me to be a good woman :) and I moved to it .. I was touched by his words when he says "I want you to be a good woman, even though there is a bad thing. shortcomings I'm still trying to accept it, let alone you surplus. although this is you call your surplus, I'm still not going to accept. do not be sad yes , there are many other things to regret than you have to be a sexy dancer ". and another one when he said "exactly, i really don't understand what sexy dancer mean, maybe it is a part of art. but in my mind, sexy dancer have relation with all of think that maybe its negative. i know maybe not all of my mind is true". 
oh my boy, I'm so very happy, Because it turns out you really loved me
        aku senang ketika ternyata dia begitu care. dan aku bersyukur punya dia. i love you so much my KARUNIA ADI. aku senang kamu bisa nerima aku yang kayak gini. kamu terus ngingetin aku, dan kamu terus berusaha buat selalu sabar ngadepin aku yang kayak gini. aku janji gak akan ngecewain bahkan nyia2in kamu. trust me honey :)

dan heeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiii baru aja dia sms aku trus bilang "hei girl , i proud everything about you. i love you so much". (jam 11:20 pm) beruntungnya aku punya pacar kayak dia. yahh, walaupun terkadang dia menyebalkan but i love him so much more then word. 

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